A Quaker Witness to the World
When people have heard of Quakers, it often is in the context of justice, equal rights, and social change. Quakers have been pivotal to—among other things—the abolition of slavery; the education of women, the underprivileged, and indigenous people; support for refugees; and conscientious objection to violence.
Quaker activism is not due to a particular political affiliation, nor is it some secular ideological preference. It is rather an outward expression of an inward spiritual experience, an expression of values that emerge from our worship as well as the longstanding calling of our spiritual community.
Below, you will find some recent examples of the ongoing work Sandy Spring Quakers are doing in this area.
Minute of Support for Transgender and Nonbinary People
On March 2, 2025, our Meeting approved the following minute of support for transgender and nonbinary people:
Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting affirms our support for transgender people, including nonbinary people, within the Religious Society of Friends and throughout our community. Every person's lived understanding of their own gender identity is valid. Trans men are men. Trans women are women. Nonbinary people are nonbinary. We rejoice in them being their truest selves as the Inner Light guides them to be.
We commit ourselves to support trans and nonbinary people in our Meeting and the civil and human rights of trans and nonbinary people everywhere. No one should face discrimination in employment, housing, health care, or otherwise, or have their dignity or body assaulted and their human rights curtailed because of their gender identity.
To all trans and nonbinary people: We love you, and we're with you.
Afghan Refugee Assistance
In February 2022, Friends at Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting formed a working group under the care of the Social Concerns committee to meet the needs of Afghan refugees recently resettled in Maryland. Friends provide assistance by working to source permanent housing, procure furnishings, deliver food, provide transportation, and connect families with ESOL classes and employment opportunities. The Meeting also established a designated fund for refugee assistance in March 2022 to provide funds for rental assistance, food, and medical care. Sandy Spring conducts this work in collaboration with local refugee assistance organizations, including the Ethiopian Community Development Council-African Community Center.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Sandy Spring's designated Refugee Assistance Fund, you can send a check to Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting, 17715 Meeting House Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860 with "Refugee Assistance Fund" in the memo line. You can also donate online here; enter the amount of your donation in the field for Refugee Assistance Fund.
New Sanctuary Movement
Our Meeting approved May 7, 2017, becoming a part of the “New Sanctuary” movement by joining a broad interfaith network called DMV Sanctuary Congregation Network. With this approval, we dedicated ourselves to protecting immigrants and targeted communities in the DC, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) area. We joined the network of 70+ faith communities to pledge to resist policies and actions that target and deport millions of undocumented immigrants and discriminate against marginalized communities, including those who are of color, indigenous, Muslim, Latino, and LGBTQ.
Statement on Religious Freedom
Our Meeting approved Dec. 4, 2016 this statement on religious freedom, joining other American Quakers in a call for a renewed commitment to equality:
As people of faith and conscience, Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) is compelled in this time of growing violence and religious intolerance to witness to the Divinely bestowed right of all people to the free, peaceful, and legal exercise of their own religious traditions without fear of bullying, intimidation, or persecution. We commit our community and ourselves to support and speak out for freedom of religion as the Spirit leads.
Statement on Inclusiveness
Friends have a long history of belief in equal rights for everyone. In keeping with this tradition we wish to testify to the rights of all to live out freely and openly their differences in sexual orientation or gender identity.
For more, link to the full text of the Minute about Personal Ethics Standard in Friends United Meeting Personnel Policy.
Statement on Same Sex Marriage
Our Meeting approved in April 2011 a minute affirming same-sex marriage, as follows:
Friends regard marriage as religious in nature, being a solemn covenant made between two people in the presence of God. We apply the Procedure for Marriage under the care of Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends to all couples, regardless of sex or gender.
More information is available in this statement.