Quaker Faith & Practice

In the fall, Meetings for Learning offered an introduction to Quaker belief, history, and thought. Our current Meetings for Learning offering builds on that foundation, exploring Quaker faith and practice.

Join us each fourth Sunday (January-April) at 12:30 pm in Community House room 204 or online via Zoom. Through brief readings, videos, and small group conversation, we’ll learn more about:

January 26: Quaker Worship, Part I (Preparing for Worship)

February 23: Quaker Worship, Part II (Vocal Ministry)

March 23: Quaker Process & Business Practice

April 27: Quaker Testimonies & Living Our Faith

Follow-up conversations will be held online each Wednesday after every Sunday session (Jan. 29; Feb. 26; Mar. 26; Apr. 30) from 7:30-8:30 pm. Click the date above to join each session. *Note: each date is a different Zoom link.