Meeting Committees


Committees accomplish much of the important work of the Meeting. Most committees meet at least once a month. Several meet more often (or only) to address special events or needs. With some exceptions, non-members are permitted to attend committee meetings.

When people accept an appointment to a committee, it must be approved during one of the monthly meetings to discuss the spiritual and practical business of the community. Committee terms are typically three years, beginning in May each year.

The Meeting’s Manual of Procedures describes all of the committees now in existence, their various roles and areas of responsibility, and how committee business is expected to work (click on the link for a copy of the manual).

Committees are encouraged, where appropriate, to interact with counterparts in Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM), Chesapeake Quarterly Meeting, and other Monthly Meetings, and to establish liaison relationships with Young Friends and/or Sandy Spring Friends School.

For more information about serving on a committee, contact the Nominating Committee by email at nominating at or the Meeting office.

Perhaps we view our participation in Quaker committees the way many of us view housework: it is not particularly fun, but it has to be done. And yet, what potential our committee hours together hold! We can get to know each other much better than we can at meeting on Sunday; we can be more relaxed and informal. In committee meetings there is time to make jokes and laugh, time to share. We can give and receive nurture and appreciation, and can inspire each other to develop a grand vision together. It is in our committees that we do the actual creative work of shaping the building blocks of our Meeting community, laying them in place, anchoring them together. What satisfaction to see the results of our work together.

— Marty Walton, The Meeting Community